This listing is for one (1) Thulite with Quartz Palm Stone, measuring approximately 2.7″ in size. Blessed with Reiki and moonlight. A rare stone sourced from Norway.

When used in meditation, Thulite heals old emotional wounds and opens up the heart chakra to amplify self love, self esteem, joy and compassion.

Thulite is a beautiful stone ally for gentle support against self sabotage and self destructive behavior. It helps you tap into your well of strength during times of adversity so you can find happiness, peace and adopt a more loving approach in your interactions.

Performers or people that are in a speaking industry will often find Thulite helps them feel more eloquent and expressive of their thoughts and ideas, so that they can communicate from a space of confidence and inner balance.

Quartz is a master crystal healer, bringing in amplification and magnification of the energies of Thulite, and your intentions.