This listing is for one (1) Red Goldstone Star, measuring approximately 1.6 inches in size. Blessed with Reiki and moonlight.

Although man-made, the natural copper inclusions create these golden sparkles within Red Goldstone to conduct and move positive energy. Focus on the golden sparkles within to activate your sacral and solar plexus chakras, so your brilliance can shine like a beacon of light out into the world with total confidence.

Work with Red Goldstone to support your goals and to inspire creativity, passion and desire.

When your self worth has taken a nose dive into uncertainty, this stone can give you the kick in the pants to see the gorgeousness and gifts you have to bring to any given situation and go after your dreams.

The 5 pointed star is also associated with freedom and expansion in numerology, opening yourself to new ways of thinking outside of the box and exploring new opportunities.

Place in your medicine bag to amplify your ambition and abundance, in your offering bowls for self empowerment or add to your crystal grids in your sacred space to infuse your rituals with the crystal medicine of success.