This listing is for one (1) Love Unakite Worry Stone, measuring approximately 1.6″ in size. Blessed with Reiki and moonlight.

The Unakite worry stone comes engraved with the word “Love” that you can use as your affirmation or intention for the day.

Snag yourself a worry stone to promote relaxation or anxiety relief. If you’re new to working with worry stones, then all you have to do is hold the stone between your index finger and thumb and gently move your thumb back and forth across the indent in the stone whenever you feel a wave of emotional overwhelm washing over you.

Unakite harmonizes and balances your emotions when dealing with your relationship dynamics, as you discover where you may need more love and tenderness.

The health and strength of your emotional frequencies will dictate the types of relationships you attract and how in alignment they feel. As a heart chakra healer, Unakite can help with that.

Allow it to bring you back into the flow of love and abundance and remind you that you are worthy of compassion and peace and sovereignty.

Place in your medicine bag, in your offering bowls or add to your crystal grids to clear deep seated emotional baggage, and support you in stepping into a space of compassion, love and kindness.